Our Mission

  • MCED supports people who believe in sustainable and clean energy solutions, and are committed to making a positive impact on the environment.
  • We focus on those who want to invest in energy-efficient and renewable technologies for their homes or businesses, fostering a greener and more sustainable future.
  • We pledge to assisted with tailored financial solutions and expert guidance to help navigate the transition to clean energy, making environmentally conscious choices tat benefit both the bottom line and the planet.


What We Do

It has long been recognized that traditional financing methods and public funding of energy improvement programs have been inadequate. These factors, in conjunction with Missouri legislative support, led to the creation of the Missouri Clean Energy District which was established as a statewide political subdivision in 2011.

A determination to structure the district as an intergovernmental compact was an obvious choice. Attraction of capital relies on an ability to create a saleable program. While any town, city or county can stand up its own authority, doing so doesn’t address the practical aspect of providing opportunity for rightsized investment as an incentive for capital providers.

By addressing this issue, the district has achieved a significant presence and support statewide.  MCED’s Intergovernmental arrangement now encompasses over 350 jurisdictions.  The district’s jurisdictional members gain access through their own legislative efforts to join with the district. As a result of the district’s efforts and actions of membership, MCED currently stands as the state’s largest political subdivision consisting of over 3.6 million people or nearly 60% of total population.

To date the district has arranged funding commitments of over $2 billion. Both residential and commercial project financing has been made available through the district’s authority. Tens of thousands of projects have been funded. And the resulting creation of jobs, economic growth and reduction of utility costs have only just begun. This is but a small fraction of the work necessary to address the opportunities to be found within the built environment of Missouri.

We continue to seat additional membership and collaborate with like-minded organizations in support of a cause that is so important to everyone. This desire extends to encouraging public and private funders to find the work of MCED useful and worthy of support. We welcome any and all participation in our work to meet the needs of Missourians.

Everything we do is focused on the economic impact of connecting capital to energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.

The way we accomplish our mission is to design programs that simply and professionally provide previously unavailable capital to trigger change.

Missouri Clean Energy District is a statewide initiative committed to uniting Missourians to strive toward reaching our state’s energy goals. That’s why MCED is inviting you to Do Your Part™—to help increase energy efficiency for the future of Missouri; our part of the world. We’re here to give you the financing tools, knowledge and, above all, inspiration to do your part, for yourself, your organization and your community, to save energy.

It takes every one of us to keep moving Missouri forward as a smart energy leader, so we can’t succeed without you. We support the State of Missouri in its quest to expand energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. If that seems ambitious, that’s because it is.

The good news is that all it takes to get started is the flip of a light switch or the turn of a dial; even investing in an energy project. In fact, the state is already on track to getting unlimited capital resources for energy projects to every community in our state.

At MCED we know that all those, energy-efficient upgrades, like switching to LED light bulbs or installing an efficient HVAC system, add up to a cleaner, healthier, more prosperous state, and can preserve our incredible environment for generations to come.


Our Purpose

MCED was created to motivate and educate Missouri residents and businesses about energy management. Our useful financing programs and actions can help them better manage their energy use overall.

We want to help people understand that using energy more efficiently can help them live better and work better. We provide inspiration and guidance on better energy management and encourage innovative policy discussions. We aspire to serve as a positive example nationally by inspiring other states to pursue a similar vision and path.


Open Source Programs

MCED recognizes the value of operating as an open-source platform to bring borrowers and investors together. We are pleased to engage with a broad range of interests from both sides of the transaction. Our attitude is simple; more options are good for everyone.


Our Partners

MCED is supported by an alliance of market partners, local governments, community choice advocates, businesses and nonprofits to assist communities in meeting state and local energy and environmental action goals. Our funding comes entirely from district operations. MCED does not use one dollar of taxpayer, state general revenue or local government money.


USDA:  Special Program Fund

MCED has been approved for the USDA Intermediary Relending Program (IRP). As such, the district can offer special financing to energy projects which carry very favorable terms for the purpose of encouraging property owners in non-metropolitan areas to execute on their energy projects.


Tax Credit Programs

MCED is the only issuer in the State of Missouri to successfully issue Qualified Tax Credit Bonds. These very valuable direct pay tax credit bonds unfortunately are no longer available as a result of the new tax law but continue to provide substantially reduced borrowing costs for those qualifying projects that were funded.

The District continues to seek out innovative ways to finance the important energy improvements of Missourians.




Missouri Comprehensive State Energy Plan, Department of Economic Development, Energy Division October 2015

Utilizing Missouri’s Property Assessed Clean Energy Act: 
Some property owners may be unable to make energy efficiency improvements to their buildings because the costs of making these improvements will not be recouped through reduced energy bills for several years. Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) programs help eliminate this barrier by providing a simple and effective way to finance energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation upgrades to both residential and non-residential buildings. Under PACE programs, municipalities and counties form special taxing districts that can issue bonds to help property owners finance energy retrofits by allowing a property owner to place an additional tax assessment on his or her property. Both residential and commercial property owners can utilize these loan programs to obtain financing for clean energy improvements that are repaid through property tax assessments over a 20-year period. PACE in Missouri is gaining momentum but there is great potential to finance more clean energy projects using this innovative model. Additional marketing, outreach, and technical assistance are needed and can play a key role in the program’s success. Participating municipalities could publicize their membership in the Missouri Clean Energy Board by using community groups to disseminate public information and by connecting with local community and neighborhood associations, small business groups and clubs, local nonprofit organizations, and others who can become effective advocates for PACE. It is also important to engage energy efficiency contractors and solar installers to help educate their customers about clean energy options and market PACE financing as a tool. In conducting our analysis and soliciting public input during the Plan development process it became apparent that Missouri’s pathway to achieving these goals is grounded on: Promoting Efficiency of Use: Energy efficiency leverages all forms of supply by stretching the value of a given unit. Using energy more wisely is a first step in optimizing Missouri’s energy system.
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